Summary of Research Study Findings

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WRTG 391 Writing Assignment 1 Latest-UMUC
WRTG 391 Writing Assignment 1 Latest-UMUC
Writing Assignment #1
Summary of Research Study Findings
Instructions: In WRTG 391, you will eventually write a synthesis of sources essay. In writing this essay, you will conduct significant research for scholarly sources through the UMUC Library and Information Services interface. In many cases, scholarly articles report the findings of a research study.
The article will provide an introduction to the topic, review previous literature on the topic, and then explain the methodology, findings, and conclusions of the study.
The first assignment for this class, the Summary of Research Study Findings, helps get you started in finding scholarly articles and, specifically, research studies. In this assignment, you will find four articles from scholarly journals. Each of them will report on a research study.
You will show the findings of your studies in a format given to you. When you complete the form, the information will provide a summary of your research in locating the four articles.
Please use the format on the following page. You can copy and paste the information on the following pages into a Word document and then fill the information in. Using the guidelines provided by the video and the template, please post a rough draft of your Summary of Research Findings as your instructor directs you.
After receiving feedback from your instructor on your Summary of Research Findings, please use the comments from your instructor in revising the draft.
Your Topic _________________________
Article #1:
Author(s) and title of the article and the name of the journal:
Key terms in the article (list at least 5 terms):
Focus of study: This can be 3-4 sentences.
Conclusions of the author(s): This can be 1-2 sentences.
Your observations of what you learned about your topic from this article and from this research study.
Please write 100-150 words for each article.
Article #2:

Author(s) and title of the article and the name of the journal:
Key terms in the article (list at least 5 terms):
Focus of study: This can be 3-4 sentences.
Conclusions of the author(s): This can be 1-2 sentences.
Your observations of what you learned about your topic from this article and from this research study.
Please write 100-150 words for each article.
Article #3:
Author(s) and title of the article and the name of the journal:
Key terms in the article (list at least 5 terms):
Focus of study: This can be 3-4 sentences.
Conclusions of the author(s): This can be 1-2 sentences.
Your observations of what you learned about your topic from this article and from this research study.
Please write 100-150 words for each article.
Article #4:
Author(s) and title of the article and the name of the journal:
Key terms in the article (list at least 5 terms):
Focus of study: This can be 3-4 sentences.
Conclusions of the author(s): This can be 1-2 sentences.
Your observations of what you learned about your topic from this article and from this research study.
Please write 100-150 words for each article.


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